Straight Egyptian
GR Dashidah ox
Winter auf Gestüt Rothenberg
des Vollblut-Araber-Gestüts Rothenberg,
Frau Annette Escher
und Herr Erwin Escher
Straight Egyptian black filly *31.01.2015
(black gold-premium stallion) (black show-winner Faleeh
x GR Daliyah by Classic Shadwan)
Exotic typey and tall black yearling-filly with super body
and fantastic gorgeous show movements!
GR Dashidah ox
is linebred to both of our famous foundation-stallions:
the gorgeous gold-awarded black stallion Madallan Madheen
and the Multi-Champion Classic Shadwan!
She is also linebred to our
famous super exotic foundation-mare Fasinah!
And additional GR Dashidah ox
goes back in direct motherline
of our famous foundation-mare
Dalima Shah by Ansata Halim Shah,
a Multi-Champion herself
(among other titles European Champion Straight Egyptian!)
and also mother of famous breeding- and showhorses
around the world!
Very special opportunity
for a super special black filly with gorgeous pedigree!"
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